Termites are found in more than 5 million homes on average each year in the United States, and it is estimated that termite damage costs U.S. homeowners $5 billion each year. Not insurance agencies, but homeowners, like you. What’s even worse is termites can be living in your home even without visible signs of damage.

Termite swarm season is upon us, and here at Buckaroo Pest Protection, we want to make sure our community is educated and prepared when it comes to protecting their homes and properties from termites. One of the best ways to ensure your home is rid of termites is with a termite bond. We’ll explain the two types of bonds and why Buckaroo offers your family the best protection.

When is Termite Season?

During March through mid-summer, termites “swarm” which means that they become much more active, and more visible to the average homeowner. Scarily, termites don’t sleep. They will eat 24 hours a day seven days a week, year around. Even outside of swarm season.

This is why it is crucial to protect your home and property before it’s too late. If you start seeing termites within your home, it most likely means your house has already been under attack.

When it comes to protection though, homeowners have hundreds of providers who offer seemingly the same service, and the same warranties… Right?


What is a Termite Bond?

There are several different types of products and treatments available to pest control companies for eradicating termites. However, knowing the difference between a Retreat Warranty vs. a Repair Warranty could save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars. Even though they may both cost the same at the time of the initial inspection, over 90% of pest control companies will only offer Retreat Warranties. Here’s why:
Buckaroo is part of the small minority offering higher quality service and protection by offering Repair Warranties.

The Best Termite Warranty in Texas

Buckaroo is 100% willing to stand behind our work and our products. 90% of our competitors aren’t. Ensure your investment is in good hands with a termite protection warranty from Buckaroo. Our technicians guarantee their work and the integrity of your home afterward. Contact us today for the best termite control available in Northern Texas. We put our money where your termite mouths are.