How to identify a paper wasp?

Paper wasps are slender in shape with a narrow waist. Typically identified with black wings that fold along the body when at rest. Colors vary between brown with yellow markings to over all reddish brown. The nest cells are open and uncovered and can be found under home eaves, attached to structures and even on plants. A paper wasp will build the nest from wood fibers that they collect from wood posts and occasionally will take fiber from live plants. The wasp nest may be a neutral gray to brown color and houses their eggs and food ration. Most nest will be hanging from a single filament in a downward position. You will see colony members resting at night on the nest as they forage during the day.
Did you know…
- Paper wasps sting other insects, paralyzing them to bring back to the nest. The dead insects will be stored in the nest cells with a fertilized paper wasp egg. Once that egg hatches, the wasp larva will eat the dead insect as food and emerge as a winged adult after pupation
- Paper wasps do not chase after people, however, they WILL sting if their nest is disturbed
- Paper wasps were the inventors of paper, long before the Egyptians!
- Paper wasps use bird droppings as nesting material
- Paper wasps will congregate beneath barn swallow nests during the summer
- If your garden is not over run with insect pests…the wasp may be the contributor
How to dislodge or remove a nest?
- Best bet is to call a professional exterminator to remove the wasps nest
- If you choose to eliminate them yourself….best to approach the nest at night when the wasps are less active
- Wear protective clothing
- Keep children and pets at a safe distance
- Douse the nest with a pesticide spray or insecticidal dust
- DO NOT burn the nest
- DO NOT use water – as it will only flood the nest and will not remove the inside pest
- If you are allergic to bee/wasp stings – call a professional
If you prefer to call a professional – schedule your appointment today with Buckaroo Pest Protection at 972-474-3959